My experience and qualifications...

Keynote Speaker, Support Group Leader, Podcaster, Volunteer, and Writer for the following distinguished organizations (see below).
I have been caring for my Mom for almost 15 years now.
I made every possible mistake there is. No... really. Every. Possible. Mistake.
Hitting rock bottom led me to the wisdom of my mentors of long ago. These universal, proven skills saved my life - the same universal, proven skills in Second Response.
Pic 1: Mom and me in 1995 at the Reno Balloon Races (she just won a ticket to race in a balloon!)
Pic 2: Meet Coraline. Watches TV. Prefers westerns. Talkative. Has mastered the words "tarnation," and "howdy."
Pic 3: Meet Frank Sinatra. Comedic relief. Wrote his thesis on the Minoan Civilization. Shakes a mean martini.
Pics 4 & 5: I'm Vic, massively happy before take off in a P-51 at the Reno Air Races. Pic #5 is the line up of the Unlimited Heat. I am an out-of-my-mind NUT-BALL Air Race fan. Not great at math, yet classically trained on 88 keys. Can still stand on my head and sing, "God Save The Queen."